Monday, September 30, 2019
An Unpredicted New kind Of Warfare Essay
World war one continued for four years across a vast and stretching from the English Channel to the northern Swiss border. In 1914 the prediction was that the war would be over by Christmas. At the beginning of the war, The Germans thought they could capture France before invading Russia therefore preventing a war on two fronts. But because of the failure of tactics they couldn’t succeed, and this was one of the main reasons the war lasted for such a long period. It was no longer each side trying to capture the other in the war but stopping the enemies movements in trench warfare and using new technology to soften up enemy, if it didn’t back fire. Defense was now the key to winning the war and was far superior than the offensive. The trenches were hard to capture by advancing troops because of increasing firepower from machine guns. Crossing no-mans land was committing suicide for the troops as machine guns could inflict enormous damage on advancing infantry. The realization of the advantage of defense resulted in the enhanced rate of advancing technology. This was one of the core reasons for stalemate upon the Western Front because technology was advancing at such a rapid rate and new inventions were being introduced in a hasty manner. Many of the new inventions were not sufficiently tested and many of the ideas were not thoroughly thought through which resulted in unnecessary delays. Aircraft at the start of the war was used primarily for reconnaissance work, spotting enemy trenches and movements before a possible attack. But this alerted the enemy’s attention and gave them time to prepare resulting in the attacker’s job being more costly and difficult to undertake. Barbed wire was massed produced on an industrial scale by both sides as barbed wire entanglements were unbreakable for troops, stopped cavalry in their tracks, and slowed troops down completely. Attempts were made to destroy barbed wire with shellfire but the barbed wire is just lifted and often ends up in a bigger mess than before. Chlorine gas was first introduced in April 1915 by the German army against the French army. Chlorine gas destroyed your respiratory organs and you had a long slow death. But poisonous gas was an extremely unreliable method of attack as the direction of the wind may change at any time and return the poison in the direction of the attacker killing your own troops. Also, as with many other weapons that were developed it can only be used once to an advantage, as their element of surprise is lost. Gas masks were quickly distributed to both sides and gas was not such a great fear as it was first thought Tanks were invented to be the technical solution to the major problem of both barbed wire and machine guns. They had an armour plate to protect troops whilst attacking and caterpillar traction to allow them to cross-hilly and muddy ground. But the first Mark I tank was a weak and variable weapon. It was used at the Somme in 1916 but neither their performance nor numbers could help win the battle. It was not until Cambrai in 1917 that tanks were used on a large scale. They crunched their way over the barbed wire and German trenches creating a huge hole in the German defenses. A General on horseback commanded his armies in battle up until 1914. After 1914 telephones were working. Battles could be safely won from far away behind a desk. But though this development in communications may seem a great success, but telephones in reality were useless in attack, because the commanders didn’t have a good perspective of the war and didn’t know everything as they would be if they were sitting on horse and overlooking the battle which led to troops often pulling back because of lack of communications and broad view of the battle. In 1914 neither the French nor the British armies were trained for trench warfare. They had to adapt which took them several years and accounted for several of their failures and delays. French generals felt infantry charges were a necessity to win the war despite the huge advances in technology. And Germen generals thought that with enough ammunition and man power and gradually wearing down the enemy they would win the war. Eventually in 1917 the French army refused to attack any more, only to defend because of the horrific numbers of casualties lost for only a few miles gained. A term to explain this was the cannon fodder. The battle of Somme in 1916 is a good example for a shocking case of awful miscalculations by the leadership of both sides; Britain lost around 419,000 men for only a strip of land about 25 km long and 6km wide. These huge loses were due to bad planning. The men were untrained and advanced towards the enemy walking and carrying heavy packs on their backs. These â€Å"big pushes†which was a belief shared by British Kitchener and Haig were mere execution of side’s troops as they were walking straight into machine gun fire. The first World War was the first war between two vastly industrialized economies and factories on both sides mass-produced inconceivable amounts of artillery and ammunition. Industry was under an incredible amount of strain and it was not until 1917 that the munitions industry was able to produce adequate quantities of ammunitions. Railways played a major part in the transportation of troops form one area of the western front to the next along with food and other supplies. Both sides were also both able to keep going because of the huge numbers of men and supplies continuously brought by trains and trucks. Basically both the central powers and allies were never in a drought of resources. At the outbreak of war on the Western Front, the Allies and the Germans were relatively equal in their strengths and weaknesses. Bad leadership held up many of the British and French attacks resulting in unnecessary numbers of casualties. Germany spread its men out over many of the fronts not only in the eastern front, but also in the Western Front. One argument is that if perhaps they had concentrated on only one front they may have had a chance of success as opposed to spreading out the troops over a large area. The deadlock ended in 1918 when it was broken by eventual collapse of the central powers. It was ultimately attrition that proved the crucial decider but it was a series of events and inventions that had not happened before which gave way to the end result. The submarine campaign was important as it brought America into the war with fresh troops and much needed resources and resulted in a huge blow to the German morale. In conclusion, there was no one true reason for deadlock on the western front, but that it was due to several problems. Technology advanced too rapidly, generals were not adequately trained for trench warfare. As one quote would say â€Å"The great war was fought with 20th century weapons and 19th century tactics†. The war was able to be kept going due to the fact they were both vastly industrialized economies and neither side was able to eliminate the other since and the governments of both sides directed the industries towards mass production of uniforms, ammunitions, ships, explosives etc†¦
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Pop Art and Mass Media Essay
Alloway views pop art as a form of tool that was used to break the hegemony of elitist aesthetic standards that had been set over the years and that had defined art. In a sense, pop art could be seen as a democratization of art just as in the area of governance the advent of democracy in modern society broke the power of absoluteness wielded by the monarchy and its aristocracy. Alloway is of the opinion that though population explosion and the industrial revolution in Europe during the era of the Enlightenment had a seismic effect in transforming society, this transformation had been lacking in the field of art as traditional ideas still persisted. In effect these traditional ideas became a limitation on the development of art. Consequently, having pastoral and elitist conceptions about art prevents an art critic, for instance, from appreciating art forms emanating from the mass media. The mass media and pop art present an artistic relationship where themes and expressions of pop art are easily discerned as offshoots of the mass media. Andy Warhol’s John Wayne Silkscreen – 1986 (figure 1 beneath) is a typical example of artistic expression based on a popular theme/personality in the mass media. Again Andy Warhol’s Triple Elvis – 1963 (figure 2 beneath) shows the intersection between mass media and pop art. In both the John Wayne Silkscreen and the Triple Elvis, popular personalities in the movies (and in popular music i. e. ith regards to Elvis) patronized by the masses are depicted holding guns in typical Western movie fashion. The persistence of pop art that draws its themes and expressions from the urban instead of the conventional and pastoral, and from the mass media/popular urban culture as against the artistic standards of the minority elite, signifies the demise of elitist definitions and standizations of art. The process of change in the fine arts as compared to the mass arts is however mitigated due to the fact that the fine arts have traditionally been invested with the ‘duty’ of being the repositories of cherished societal values. Thus change or acceptance of change in the expression of the fine arts comes with the added hurdle of having to deal with time-bound values. The mass arts on the other hand are easily adaptable and readily responsive to technological changes. Advances in electronics have for instance changed the cinemas, TV and radio in the way they films, serials and programmes are presented to the audience in a way that appeals to them as consumers. These technological advances spur on consumer centric presentations in the mass arts. The advent colour in cinema and TV for can be seen being replicated in mass printed glossy colour magazines. The ability of the mass arts to also depict fantasy in a way that appeals to audiences can be seen being depicted in popular comic art for example. Just like the examples of John Wayne and Elvis given above, the focus on heroes and personalities (some of them sex symbols) are fantasies in the mass media that audiences readily identify with and these consumer centred fantasies depicted in art become a continuum from the mass media.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
basic problem that can be seen in (MRP) Material requirement planning
basic problem that can be seen in (MRP) Material requirement planning Exercise 2 Material Requirement Planning for each part and Sub-Assembly a. It has been done in the attached excel sheet. b.Problems The basic problem that can be seen in MRP is the decision that the company should take with respect to procuring a sub-assembly directly or manufacturing it by using the raw materials. It has been seen that even though the lead time of the raw material like rubber face is 10 weeks, it is economical to manufacture the product through it. This is because, there has been enough time given before the first set of demand is predicted by the company. Hence, it is useless for the company in both cases to procure handle assembly or face assembly directly. The standard cost of manufacturing with the given lead times has cost it lesser. Also, one has to keep track of availability of all the materials so that the final product can be manufactured. Hence, maintaining unnecessary inventory to the maximum is the biggest challenge in this entire MRP design. No te: As procuring handle assembly directly costs more than making it through raw materials, hence handle assembly has been made with raw materials taking appropriate lead time and EOQ into account. The same concept has been used for face assembly as well in the MRP. c. Alternatives For any further problem that the company identifies, it is appropriate that it is able to analyse the costs of all the sub-parts and sub-assemblies even before the actual forecasting is done. This would not put on into a dilemma as to how to approach the same. Also, the company has given the starting week of sales from week 13 which is far too late. MRP should be done on a closer basis so that none of the days get wasted. Here, we can see that none of the sub-parts required the first or second week of work. At the same time, one has to maintain least possible inventory. Exercise 3 It has been done in the attached excel sheet Exercise 4 It is certain that the average inventory value of the co mpany would increase with the imposition of safety lead time. The reason for the same is that initially it had been planned that while justifying the lead time of all the sub-parts, one would endeavour for least possible inventory. In all the cases, zero-inventory has been maintained over the exercise except for those occasions where there was initial inventory on week 1 itself. Even this has been used judicially so that the company is not left with the inventory once the sales proceeds as predicted by the company management of Psycho Sports. Hence, efficiency on this ground is certain to decrease this way hence raining the average inventory. Also, it is important to note here that while the safety lead time had been imposed, a number of sub-parts where procured to be remained in inventory without having any processing done. This also raises the cost of inventory for the company. But as it brings safety, there is lesser amount of risk involved in keeping the same. The exact values o f the same have been shown in the attached excel sheet. This safety lead time only decreases the dependency on the sales department of the company on achieving the exact sales in the week specified.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Counting Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Counting Systems - Essay Example There was a certain social status and prestige associated with the use of a counting table. Hindu mathematics presents interesting features of notation. Valuable information on this development is revealed by the Bakhsh'l' Manuscript. First, Hindu Arabic numeral system was mentioned in the 9th century. It is classified as a positional decimal numeral system consisted of symbols (Smith and Karpinski 1911). It has been generally believed that the so-called Arabic numerals, from which arise those in use by us today, were derived by the Muslim peoples from India, and that the Hindus invented (1) the principle of position or place value of the decimal point and (2) the nine digits and zero (or dot). In the astrological treatise written by Ch''-t'an Hsi-ta, who flourished under the T'ang Dynasty in the early eighth century A.D., the so-called Hindu decimal notation and rules are implied, so that they were introduced, or re-introduced into China, at that time or possibly earlier (Datta and Singh 1998). Whereas Hindu astronomy made improvement through Greek influence, mathematics in India, as Professor Sarton has stated, had no need to wait for Hellenism: we are, therefore, at present disinclined to refuse legitimate claims for Hindu originality in respect of the nine numerals and decimal system (Al-Daffa, 1977). "The basic idea of the system is the primacy of grouping (and of the rhythm of the symbols in their regular sequence) in "packets" of tens, hundreds (tens of tens), thousands (tens of tens of tens), and so on" (Ifrah et al. 2000, p. 25). In the Bakhshali Manuscript researchers find a small sign used to represent negative quantity: it is a cross, like the present 'plus' sign, but placed to the right of the quantity to which it refers. Zero is represented by a dot. The dot is also used to indicate an unknown quantity. There is an absence from the Bakshali Manuscript of symbols of operation, even the negative sign already noted not being used as such. In Bhaskara's Bija-Ganita, however, the dot is used as the negative sign of operation (Datta and Singh 1998). Operation is indicated in the Bakhsh'l' Manuscript by an ad hoc term, or by relative position, In general, Hindu mathematicians used the terms "ya" (as many as") for the first unknown quantity, now usually denoted by x; for the second unknown, say y for the constant quantity in an expression; "v or va" for a square and the initial letters of the words representing various colours for other unknown quantities (Al-Daffa, 1977). During his khalifate and later, there flourished Al-Kindi. Al-Kindi, like many eminent scholars of the Middle Ages, was an encyclopedialist, and wrote numerous works on many subjects. He translated extesively from the Greek, and his treatise on geometrical and physiological optics (known in the Latin form as De Aspectibus) was based on the optical works of Euclid, Heron, and Ptolemy. He was interested in large-scale natural phenomena, studying particularly the tides, and also the rainbow ion accordance with the principles of optical reflection. Further, his scientific studies embraced the Hindu numerals and a musical notation relating to pitch (Smith and Karpinski 1911). He was sufficiently far-sighted to regard much alchemy as spurious and non-scientific Eminent among writers on mechanical and mathematical subjects were the three sons of M's' ibn Sh'kir, the Ban' M's', who engaged also the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Media article critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Media article critique - Essay Example The sodium in the American diet does not significantly come from the saltshakers but in the abundance of processed food consumption. It should be noted sodium is usually used to enhance the flavor, stabilize, and preserve processed food. Accordingly, sodium intake can be reduced by opting fresh, whole food closest to their natural state. Another option is to look for canned food which are sodium-free or with reduced-sodium content. The DASH (Dietary Approach to Solving Hypertension) eating plan, which prescribes a diet comprised of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy food, and food with limited saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, is clinically proven to dramatically reduce blood pressure by infusing enough levels of potassium in the body to counter the effects of sodium. It has been verified by the Tulane University Health Science Center that adequate potassium intake may lower systolic blood pressure by 3 points and diastolic by 2 points. The level of sodium in the body as well as its effect is tied to an individual's physiological sensitivity to salt. It has been found out that 10-25 percent of the entire population is salt sensitive meaning that their bodies will respond faster with the reduction or increase in salt intake. Salt sensitivity is determined by heredity as it is passed on through genes and age as elders naturally experience higher blood pressure necessitating the reduction of sodium intake. With the current rise in the number of people who suffers from heart disease, I believe that this article is very helpful and timely. I completely agree with the information presented. Having a family history of hypertension, I'm seeking ways on how to reduce the risk of acquiring the disease. Reducing sodium intake is probably one of the easiest and most enjoyable way to avoid heart diseases as it requires me to take in a variety of fresh foods and challenge my creativity in coming up with recipes containing less salt. Works Cited Miers, Megan. Shake the salt habit: Limiting sodium intake can have many benefits. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, May 18, 2006, Pg.1; Washington ARTICLE May 18--Whether already added or sprinkled on in the form of salt, sodium is one additive that keeps us clamoring for our favorite foods over and over again. But the same seasoning that brings out the flavor of salad dressing and gives potato chips their savory crunch also can wreak havoc with our health. Many Americans far exceed the recommended daily limit of sodium in their diets, and that's not good news for a country in which cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer. Excess sodium in the diet can lead to fluid retention and hypertension (high blood pressure), which in turn can lead to stroke and other potentially deadly conditions. But with a few simple steps, anyone can slash dietary sodium and drastically reduce health risks. "The maximum recommended limit is less than 3,000 milligrams of sodium per day," said Rachel Vincent, a registered and licensed dietitian at St. John Medical Center. "The average American gets about 8,000 milligrams a day." To function properly, our bodies need about 200 milligrams of s
Effect of the World Wars on Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Effect of the World Wars on Canada - Essay Example Social Impacts of First and Second World War: Canada has been put into form by wars more than anyone could have realized it. The wars created the modern Canada, removing all kinds of traditions and memories of a â€Å"divided national identity†. Attitude of Canadians towards war was based on historical experience (Morton, 1999, pp. ix-x). The First World War had led to overwhelming changes in the social structure of Canada. The sacrifices and compromises that the average Canadians had to make called for new social order intending for emergence of peace. Groups of labor, women, farmers, churches and political parties all had developed their plans and programs for bringing in changes (Guest, 1997, pp. 49-50) Several social reforms were stimulated by the war. Pension issues, healthcare were some areas which were given special attention. In the field of social welfare, the profession of social work emerged out of liberal individualism. However keeping problems of divided jurisdiction at one side, the administrative problems aggravated by federal government’s failure to contribute to costs. Unemployment relief policy was largely developed at the municipal level, resulting in administrative procedures and policies differing from place to place with absence of standards in the level of aids (Guest, 1997, pp.50-85). Thus impacts of the war could be felt. As it can be understood that War and Society has a deep rooted connection and hence greater impacts are bound to occur on the societal issues when such World War affects or impacts countries individually (Keshen & Durflinger, 2007). However, as in the case of Canada, the effects have not been negative completely. The Second World War to o had a reflective effect on the social structure of Canada. The most rigorous crisis of unemployment got ended and the standards of living were raised for a large number of people in Canada. More significantly, the process of â€Å"industrialization†and â€Å"urbanization†progressed with greater rapidity. Production capacity of industries was stretched and superiority and intricacy of industrial processes also increased. The war had an overwhelming effect on the federal government as a whole. It became one of the largest employers of labor. The war saw several women responding to convene of the war and shedding their homemakers’ role to join the labor force. However with respect to Fordist estimates, the white male enjoyed better privileges than the women. Many women from Poland were brought into Canada and they represented the modern and educated women folk of tomorrow. Unemployment of the country decreased, and personal income and provincial income started increasing (Sangster, 2007, p. 472). As the war had ended with a sound financial form, even problems of agricultural surpluses also were removed. There was also a realization among the governments that social services were not only a luxury, but a crucial item in the smooth functioning during wartimes (Guest, 1997, pp.103-104; Francis, Jones, and Smith, 2007). Thus comparing the effects of the two world wars, it can be seen that the Second World War had bigger positive social impacts on the country. Political Impacts of First and Second World War: The political impact of the First World War formed or enlarged some divisions in the community. Before the year 1914, Canadians who resided in the western region of Canada had to consume products by paying much higher prices than those who were living in the country’s central and eastern regions. Price gaps also existed in the provinces that were existent for long times. By the year 1920s, the western and the eastern regions had div ided in terms of prices. According to sources, inflation was prevailing during and after the war, which led to high price ranges on consumable
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Discuss the contrasting literary styles used in James Baldwin's Essay
Discuss the contrasting literary styles used in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues and Tim O'Brien's The Things They - Essay Example Literary Analysis Paper The stories of James Baldwin and Tim O’Brien have a common element amongst them, mentioned explicitly; the attribute of undergoing struggle. In O’Brien’s book, struggle and hardships can be seen through the eyes of American soldiers fighting in the Vietnam War, whereas in Baldwin’s tale, Sonny is seen fighting life and addictions in order to patch his relationships with other people around him as well as himself. ‘The Things They Carried’ is about experiences that the soldiers, led by Tim O’Brien went through, which included tangible as well as intangible important elements. These included emotions and feelings like fear, dread and guilt, as well as the kind of machines and guns which formed an inherent part of their routine lives in the War. ‘Sonny’s Blues’ is about a young heroin addict, set in a post World War era, depicting a great amount of political and economical tension raging in Ameri ca at the time, with respect to culture and the old arts. The book is a story full of symbolism; in this particular tale, O’Brien has marked a very vivid description of all the objects that the various soldiers carry with them.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Annotated Bibliography Assignment - Essay Example It elaborates on key steps such as peer criticism, observation, instructor guidance and personal experience. I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative speech. The book publication delves into three objectives critical in public speaking. This include, educating students on the ethical implications of their word, acknowledging respect to audience diversity and civic life preparation. Furthermore, the book advances advice necessary for effective public speaking and expounds on the logic behind the advice. . I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative speech. This book explains on the strategies and process that can be used by students in the process of developing into effective and confident public speakers. It offers a diverse and unique learning style that acknowledges audience diversity, ethical public speaking and taming of communication fear. I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative speech. This book highlights and describes the various challenges of effective public speaking such as anxiety. Furthermore, it offers a thorough six step process of â€Å"Speech Planning Action Steps,†designed to prepare students in effective speech delivery. Consequently, the reader is able to attain good grades in public speaking course. . I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative
Monday, September 23, 2019
Criminal Justice Experiential Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Criminal Justice Experiential Paper - Essay Example It is interesting because how people react is a good indication of the state of society today; although there are many definitions of deviance such as absolutist, reactivist or normative, suffice it to say at this point that deviance refers to anything that is out of norm. Along this line, it is perhaps proper to first identify the importance of norms to society and in our everyday lives (Clinard & Meier, 2008, p. 8). This is because without norms being discussed it would be difficult to put deviant behavior into a proper context. The social norms therefore are references to expectations people place on everyone regarding what is correct conduct on certain situations or in occasions when people normally gather among themselves. Simply, deviance is anything that is quite different from the accepted social norms; it implies that deviance is a very relative notion or matter of perception. On a deeper level, deviance is something that is not valued or dis-valued (perceived or evaluated i n a negative light). The social gathering which I had chosen to implement my experiment was our school reunion. There were several batches present, those ahead of us and those who studied after us, besides the batch mates to which I belonged. It was a silver jubilee (25th year) since our high school graduation and many of us attended; some went together with their families. Discussion In this section, I will discuss some of the deviant behaviors which I engaged in during our high school reunion. It must be emphasized at this point that at no time did my egregious behavior endangered anyone or put someone even remotely at risk. I may have offended some people's sensibilities but that was almost all about it; it was all intended to elicit reactions. The actions I took and the varied reactions I elicited with them are discussed below. Deviant Behaviors – I intentionally arrive late for the start of the festivities. Although it was agreed by our batch that everyone should endeavo r to arrive early or even on time, the time I got there was already almost an hour late and naturally, my batch mates were not happy with the way things turned out for our batch as I missed an early pictorial for our group. Moreover, I did not apologize or offer some explanation as to why I was that late. My guess was that everyone expected me to at least give an alibi which I think was not necessary. This was because everyone in our batch had been reminded a few times several days before the event to please arrive on time; reminders were sent to each one of us by text messages. It is therefore almost inconceivable for someone to be late; the implication was that the party or occasion was not accorded the importance it deserves. I tried to appear grouchy as well. There was a fund raising activity to coincide with the momentous occasion in which I had promised to buy two tickets as my contribution to the charity works of the school. This is a raffle in which ticket holders are suppos ed to win some prizes but I purposely remarked that the prizes were too cheap considering the price of the tickets being sold. That remark was for the purpose of giving them an impression that I was not too happy with paying for my tickets. At the very least, it was construed by our batch president and others that I tried to sneak out of a firm commitment to buy those two tickets. I also mumbled something about having to pay a hospital bill for a close relative who was rushed to the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Women In The Military Essay Example for Free
Women In The Military Essay Women in the military has been a controversial topic for many years now, and the roles they play in the armed services. In this paper I will discuss the roles women have occupied, and if they should be allowed to participate on the front lines in war. This has been a topic receiving more attention as the years progress. It used to be never customary for women to be involved in war in any way, but as civil rights has been more of an issue so has women going to war. The women want to be equal to men, but the question is can they handle doing what the men can do on the front lines. It is well known women provide good services and do a fine jobs working up the ranks in the military. They have grown in numbers and have gained more respect in recent years by using their knowledge and skills. However, they are still not prevalent in mass numbers during fighting in battles of war. I will try to balance out the positives and negatives of this topic then give my personal opinion on this widely discussed issue. It has been longed believed that men are suppose to be the warriors and the ones who fight to protect his family or country. That has been the basic theory for all the past years, so the women had no influence on war at all. Even back in the civil war days women had no part in the war in any way. They were expected to take care of the kids and the house hold has the men went off to fight. They did not even realize what was really going on, because they had knowledge how war was fought. This has been the way because of womens physical characteristics. In general women are not as big or strong as men, so they have been considered weak and not able to battle. For the maturity of women compared to men that is a true statement. They do not have the physical size, strength, or speed as men do for the most part. There are always exceptions, but for maturity that is a basic fact. The physical characteristic differences in women from men defiantly play a major part in them not fighting in the front the lines. When people go to war they carry extremely heavy backpacks on their backs all the time. Those backpacks are how they survive in the times they are not near their bases. Those packs are also very heavy along with all the clothes they have to wear as well. Most women could not travel with those packs on there backs for to long with out becoming fatigue then naturally slowing the group the down. The military eliminates men or women that would slow them down in battle, because time is of essence. The women would also have a hard time handling the guns the military uses. They use heavy machinery and powerful weapons that are difficult to handle. It is not an easy job to hold a gun in place when it kicks back every time the trigger is pulled. Most women would just become too fatigued, since there physical characteristics are not equal to men, so that therefore would be a negative affect with women on the front lines. The number of women in the armed forces has grown dramatically since World War II. During WWII women were mostly nurses so were suppose to take care of men. However, as America went deeper into the war, the women needed to play greater roles. They were called on to work in factories to build the weapons needed, and take more responsibilities in the medical teams. After WWII of course the civil rights movement started to grow stronger for more women rights. Women felt they could be more than just a housewife or a nurse. Some women went into the working field, while others wanted to be in the military. By the time the Gulf War started in the early 1990s there were numerous amounts of women in all areas of the armed forces. Women proved themselves to be disciplined and tough in the military, as well as sources of knowledge. Women think about things and see some situations differently than men. They can bring a new perspective to things, which helps develop better strategies in war. Women now have high ranks in all the armed forces and help protect America as well as any man. Women are also a lot more emotional than men are. This is another reason why women shouldnt be in the military, especially during times of war. They could not fight being all emotional. Once again for the maturity men can put on a tougher face and do the job without worrying what they are doing, while they are doing it. It is not an easy task for any sane person to kill someone or watch someone die without having some sort of emotion. However, they have to look past that for the time being or they could be in danger for letting there guard down. It is much more likely for women to care too much about the people dieing next to them when it happens. The group has to be willing to let that person go and continue at the task at hand. For the most part men can look past that persons death, without having to cry or worry about it while there still fighting. Most women could not handle what occurs in war. Womens numbers in the military has increased a lot because they have one many civil rights battles, and the fact there are a number of jobs available in the military other than actual combat. The military needs more to be successful than just good fighters. More jobs have opened up since the advancing technology and number of people in the military. The military offers excellent educational opportunities and other jobs such as engineers, scientists, doctors, lawyers, journalist, writers, accountants, and etcetera. With all those different jobs needed in the military in some way, there has been a lot of openings. Women can achieve just as good education or better than men, and have the opportunity to acquire those jobs. This benefits the military greatly because there is a variety, which can only help increase brain power. Traditionally through out time women are not supposed to fight in war. Women were thought of to never have what it takes to be a warrior in the eyes of men. They were not as big, strong, fast, or smart was the theory. Even Aristotle and Plato developed theories how women did not have enough courage or virtue to be able to fight. They felt they lacked that killer instinct. Basically, it has just been custom for men to battle and be the provider and for the women to take care of the home. Times are changing where women are equal to men, but it is hard to break something that has held true for so many years. Another positive to women fighting though is it increases the number of people. In theory if there are more people on one side chances are they are going to win the war. The army could just out number the opponent, so they could just dominate that way. It would be more intimating to fight with a lot more people than normal, and the enemy would be more likely to back down. Also something holds true about the saying safety in numbers. It is never good to have soldiers killed in battle, but the more people you have the more people you can afford to loose without being overrun by lack of numbers. Throughout this paper I have shown some of the positive and negative aspects of women in the military, especially women going into war. After researching this topic I have developed my own opinion on this issue. I now believe women are needed in the military to perform several jobs, but I do not feel they should be in battle. There are a number of opportunities to take advantage of in the military, where one will never have to go to war. People can work with intelligence agencies, on the medical staff, scientists, or professional jobs such as doctors, lawyers, or journalists. Women can filll the need for these jobs and others just as well as a man could. However, I believe in the traditional thinking that women should not be in battle. I also dont think they have the physical capabilities to handle war. There are some that could, but war is too physically and emotionally demanding for the maturity of women to handle.
Friday, September 20, 2019
A Critical Analysis Of The Painter English Literature Essay
A Critical Analysis Of The Painter English Literature Essay Ashberys The Painter is a curious poem, with many different layers of meaning to unwrap and unravel, and one that cant simply be read without approaching these levels of comprehension almost too abstract to understand on any one layer. Even having studied it in depth I still feel like Ive barely scratched the surface of this poem, and I tend to think that this was an entirely deliberate act on the authors part using form, style and language to allow multiple interpretations of the poem a comment on nature and humanity, a comment on the production of art or a comment on the idolisation of artists. This poem is a narrative at first reading the simply written story of a painter. Reading more deeply it could be perceived to be a satirical comment on the concept of art and the process of its creation he expected his subject toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ plaster its own portrait on the canvas [1] , or on the idea of an artist in calling the protagonist, who created art, a painter [2] , whilst referencing within artists leaning from the buildings [3] yet with no indication that these artists produced any kind of art. Finally, the nautical language, wrecks [4] and painter [5] (the rope used to attach a ship to the docks or land) could lead to an interpretation of the poem being a comment on nature reclaiming land that humanity stole. The poem is undramatised but implies an omniscient third person narrator who takes no part in the action, but reflects on it within. The tone of this narrator is intellectual and neutral, with no indication that the narrator cares for the subject. This narrator does however manage to comment on the thoughts and feelings of the painter, he enjoyedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ he expected [6] indicating that the narrator is the voice of the author, as opposed to also being a character within the poem. It could also be argued that the narrator symbolises God the omniscience and the references to prayer within the poem lend to this interpretation. Just as children imagine a prayer is merely silence [7] indicates that the author believes prayer cannot be merely silence, and hence the narrator could be symbolising God, hearing the painting as a prayer. The formal structure of the poem is six and a half stanzas. The six stanzas narrate his history, almost in the fashion of speech, using a lot of enjambment, and structured sentences to create the narrative atmosphere of the poem. The final half stanza is one sentence long, and ends suddenly, as though his subject had decided to remain a prayer [8] . The ending of this stanza is significant because the death of him is narrated in the first line of the last stanza, they tossed him, the portrait, from the tallest of the buildings [9] . The reader is left to decide whether him refers to the painter, or to the portrait is it personalisation of his work, or is it the death of the artist pre-empting the natural loss of art to nature. The penultimate line mentions the loss of his equipment, the sea devoured the canvas and the brush [10] , therefore seeming to place these above the death of the painter or portrait in importance. The last line focuses back on the subject of nature, and the idea that the work would be left incomplete, much as the stanza was. On one of its levels, the poem is about a painter struggling to paint nature, whilst succeeding in painting (wo)man, he chose his wife for a new subject [11] . The immediate conflict visible in this is the idea of man trying to exert control over nature and failing, and this is held up by the climax, where nature eventually wins. The level on which it could be read as a satire on the act of art, and role of an artist is the wordplay around painter and artist and the painter being the only one to produce art within the poem. These themes and levels tie together however to suggest that the core of the poem is a comment on the role of art can art accurately reflect nature? Is it a task only for the elite or can anyone participates in its production? Can humans paint true art or only a human image of what art might be? In terms of time and place the poem appears to be set somewhere relatively modern the language used is part of the typical vernacular in England, and until the last stanza the language is used to create a relatively realistic scenario in which we do not have to suspend disbelief, and even then they tossed him, the portrait, from the highest of the buildings [12] isnt a statement that could be seen as fantastic, only as unlikely in todays culture. As far as I can tell, my social and cultural distance from the poem isnt that great, so I will probably be reading it quite closely to the way in which the author wrote it theres nothing to indicate that the painter deviates from social norms or male stereotypes, except perhaps his submissive nature, in having been put to work by the other people in the building. I would say however that I have a distance from the poet, who is an older man, and that some of the themes within the poem might mature with age. The world view and ideology of the poem seems to be that nature is the pinnacle of art, and anything a human creates is secondary to that. It highlights the importance and value of the experience of a painter, but passes satirical comment on the idea of an artist the artists in this poem are never seen even to try and create. In that way it denigrates artists, saying that nature is a higher form of art, and that maybe its hubris to claim the identity of artist for oneself. To some extent, the poem evokes a sense of peace whilst in places the content is approaching violent, the form is quite gentle, and as a narrative poem the reader has some emotional distance from the story. It also leaves the reader with a sense of questioning the real meaning of the poem what is it asking about the nature of art? Written in a very simple style, very little imagery is immediately visible apart from the comparison of his wife to ruined buildings, a short simile. This is nonetheless very effective, almost summarising the overarching theme of the poem in one line, where the phrase ruined buildings [13] implies a taking back of buildings by nature, much like the images you see of trees bursting out of long abandoned houses. It could also be argued that the sea is a metaphor for the concept of nature as a whole and the reclamation of humankind and art by the sea as relating to nature reclaiming the world. The poem is typically quite direct however, and even the aforementioned simile is very simple, but the conflict of the painter and the sea is central to the meaning, the fact that whilst he can paint a vast [14] portrait of his wife, he is completely unable to paint nature, at least with any integrity. It might be that its impossible to answer that with relation to such a complex poem. It certainly uses structure, form and style effectively to create a questioning atmosphere within itself, in which the poem is very open to interpretation on the roles and interaction of human, art and nature, by the reader.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Black Boy :: essays research papers
     Richard Wright writes Black Boy. It is a story of a boy, Richard Wright living in a racist world. He is exposed to many things such as fear, death, discrimination, moving from place to place, and hunger. By reading this book I understand more about the lives of the blacks, back then.      Richard Wright fought to survive in a world of prejudice. He tried everything to get away from hate, he would run away from home, and he went to drinking at a point. Prejudice affected his family in bad ways. His family began to hate also, they would take out their anger on others and it was difficult living with one another. As time went on they learned to deal with their prejudice world better.      Richard Wright learned to hate because that’s what he was exposed to. He didn’t have the life that people have today. He was beat for things he didn’t do and was falsely accused of. There were times when he would get aggressive, one time he took out a knife so he wouldn’t get beaten.      Hunger played a big role in Richard Wright’s life. He lived without food for a while. Then there were times when he rejected food because he believed it wasn’t right. He grew up poor so food was something he didn’t have much of. Then he did survive, and he kept on going with his life.      Some examples of Discrimination laws are that they have to sit in separate places than the blacks, and they don’t have to the right to do or say what the white people don’t like. The blacks get abused and killed for the pleasure of the whites, which is wrong. I think that Richard Wright still wouldn’t be one hundred percent pleased with the American society today, but he would have liked it more than the society from then.
Dangers of Driving Essay -- Road Safety
What is as dangerous if not more dangerous than murder and suicide? A car accident is. Being in the seat of a vehicle put’s a driver’s life in jeopardy the instant they are in the seat of a vehicle. Adam Ford explains drivers licenses were issued first in the 1900s and conditions have changed substantially: More powerful cars exist, and more are on the road (Ford). With this notion, Ford explains why cars are more dangerous on the road; however, the types of cars that exist in present times are not the sole reason the road is more dangerous. John Pearson states, car accidents are the leading cause of death from ages three to thirty-five world-wide (Pearson). Mainly, drivers cause these car accidents. Cellphone usage in the US is one of the central contributors to car crashes, because the habits shaped from cellphone usage, such as texting generate danger. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 500,000 people were injured and 5 ,500 were killed by distracted driving in 2009 (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). The road has become a progressively hazardous place with distracted driving on the increase. Additionally, alcohol misuse causes increased danger while in a car. Ralph Hingson, a Sc.D., states that of all alcoholic-related crashes in 2002, 4 percent caused death, and 42 percent caused injury. Hingson further asserts, in dissimilarity of the crashes that did not involve alcohol, 0.6 percent caused deaths, and 31 percent caused injury (Hingson). Deaths and injuries increased this much cannot be taken lightly. Furthermore, age is also a factor in why car crashes have increased in the last decade. Youth drivers are the primary users of cellphones, which means that they text... ...ows older their eyesight does diminish, and other drivers would also have the opportunity to know if they needed any glasses or contacts. Once an individual receives a license, they are certified to drive for life until they get caught drinking and driving. Works Cited Ford, Adam. â€Å"The Minimum Driving Age Should be Raised†. The Minimum Driving Age. (2009). 2-2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. Hingson, Ralph. â€Å"Epidemiology and Consequences of Drinking and Driving†. Alcoholic Research &Health. 27.1 (2003): 63-78. SIRS Knowledge Source. Web. 2 Dec. 2010. Pearson, John. â€Å"Cellphone Bans Make Sense†Cellphones. (2009). 5-5. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 30 Nov. 2010. United States. Department of Transportation. â€Å"Faces of Distracted Driving†. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2010.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
How Human Centric Computing Affects the Economy :: Essays Papers
How Human Centric Computing Affects the Economy Our economy was taken by storm when the world of computers was introduced to large companies and businesses. It was like an unstoppable trend that everyone had to follow. If a company chose not to bring in mass computers for all employees, they lagged behind and were forgotten. The economy is about to experience a new wave of change. Human centric computing is on the verge of breaking out into the light. As of right now human centric computing lurks in the shadows, just waiting to be introduced to businesses, to governments, to our silicone valley, and tons of other related things. Human centric computing will allow people to interact with their computers more than use them. Instead of having to read instructions and other time wasting tasks, human centric computing will allow you to talk to your computer. All of your questions will be answered by talking to your computer and having it talk back to you. Instead of sorting through your computer searching for a file, wouldn’t it be nice if you just asked your computer to find it, and it was found? Human centric computing is also about having computers skip steps for you. Instead of having to deal with B and C, it is essentially going from A to D. When using a computer these days, it can become frustrating and stressful when computers regularly crash on you. This new improvement to computers supposedly will end the horrid of most the crashes people experience. Whenever you go to the bank to make a transaction, you make sure its during open hours, you fill out a form pertaining to your objective, and wait in a long line. Human centric computing, in the future, should eliminate all this clutter and save a priceless amount of time. After planning a trip to a distant land, you first need to buy plane tickets, reserve a hotel room, and maybe research the area. If you are a businessperson working the heart of New York, you have absolutely no time to do all this. But if you asked your computer, I need the first available plane ticket to Taiwan on November 23, the time, a hotel, ECT.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Financial Markets Assignment
FINANCIAL MARKETS & INSTITUTIONS ASSIGNMENT 1. Explain how interest rates decline following major Fed purchases of mortgage-backed securities. The FED implements quantitative easing by buying financial assets of longer maturity, e. g. , mortgage-backed securities, from commercial banks and other private institutions in order to inject a pre-determined quantity of money into the economy. This is a means of stimulating the economy and lowering longer-term interest rates further out on the yield curve; quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield.Graphically, this can be explained with the aid of Figure below. The supply of money is shifted from point 1 to the right (MS1 to MS2) and, all else equal, the new equilibrium point (with aggregate money demand curve) is at point 2, where the interest rate is lower. i i1 i2 AD1 MS1 MS2 Quantity of Money 2. What could be the implications of lower in terest rates for households and businesses? By implanting the policy of purchasing mortgage-backed securities, the FED has set its sight on increasing consumption and investment, which will ultimately increase employment.As described in question one Bernanke’s policy decreased interest rates to new record lows, encouraging borrowing for both businesses and households. The ability to borrow money at more attractive rates stimulates investment in durable consumer goods, such as automobiles, and in operational necessities such as buildings and capital equipment for businesses. Indeed, after the implementation of the policy mortgage applications increased significantly.Because of low interest rates households and businesses as investors could shift their preference away from bonds and into stocks. According to frbsf. org, the increase in stock trading volume has the effect of raising the value of existing stock portfolios, which in turn stimulates consumer and spending across the country due to the psychological effects of rapid capital appreciation. Lower interest rates can have negative effects on the value of the local currency compared to other currencies.As foreign investors dump their local-denominated investments in favor of more profitable currencies, exchange rates can shift to the detriment of the local currency. The weakening of the local currency serves to increase the attractiveness of local goods to foreign purchasers, which has the effect of boosting exports and international sales. All of the factors mentioned above have the combined effect of increasing productive output, or GDP, and increasing employment across a wide range of industries.As individuals, businesses and foreign investors are encouraged to spend more due to increased access to capital, higher portfolio valuations and weaker currency values, businesses in nearly every sector experience an increase in sales, often requiring them to grow their operations and employ additional la bor. However, there are some negative implications from this policy. Without a strong commitment to control inflation over the long run, the risk of higher inflation is one potential implication of experiencing real interest rates below the economy’s natural interest rate.Low interest rates provide a powerful incentive to spend rather than save. In the short term, this may not matter much, but over a longer period, low interest rates penalize savers and those who rely heavily on interest income. If short-term interest rates are low relatively to long-term rates, households and firms may overinvest in long-term assets, such as Treasury securities. If interest rates rise unexpectedly, the value of those assets will fall (bond prices and yields move in opposite directions), exposing investors to substantial losses.Finally, low short-term interest rates reduce the profitability of money market funds, which are key providers of short-term credit for many (large) firms, e. g. the c ommercial paper market. 3. Explain the Fed’s policy dilemma and try to rationalize why unemployment in the US is stubbornly high while inflation is low. Based on the theory of the Philip’s curve diagram we notice that there is an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment. Stated simply the lower the unemployment in an economy the higher the rate of inflation.Philip’s Curve Inflation Unemployment The explanation of the inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment is based on two assumptions. The first has to do with the fact that as unemployment rises there is no room for workers and labor unions to demand an increase so a wage inflation that would increase the prices of the final products cannot occur. Secondly high unemployment is a reflection of the decline in economic output and indicates an economy’s slowdown. Therefore competition among firms in recession will lead the prices at lower levels.But this is not the case currently in the US since we observe high unemployment and low inflation. The FED is concerned about the unemployment rate and in an effort to stimulate the economy and improve the labor market conditions it started implementing the quantitative easing policy. So the FED purchased MBS, helped banks to rebuilt their balance sheets, contributed into maintaining price stability, preserved interest rates near zero for more than three years, and prevented the economy from slipping into greater recession. Despite all these efforts the situation in the labor market did not improve.Apparently the fact that unemployment is still very high depicts the limitations of the monetary policy. The low business confidence, policy uncertainty, and the government’s reluctance to act are beyond the FED’s capacity. What is more the infinite use of the quantitative easing may produce undesirable effects in the long run such as stagflation. The only optimal solution under these circumstances is the co ordination of the FED’s monetary policy with the government’s fiscal policy plan that could boost the society’s confidence. . Do you think that another round of quantitative easing (QE) by the Fed would help stimulate the US economy? Please explain. The FED declared that the use of QE will be aggressively continued until the economy is improved. The cash injections into the economy helped interest rates to remain at low levels. Consequently everyone wins from this decision in the short run; homeowners can borrow at historical low levels of interest rate, corporations can also take advantage of this act and invest, consumption increased and also the banks increased their profits and the stocks record a growth. So as long as the QE is active in the short run everyone is a winner. But in the long run things become vague. First of all historical evidence shows that despite the fact that interest rates may be at levels near zero it remains uncertain whether this wil l be the incentive to boost the actual economy. Secondly the fact that consumers will have more money to spend but fewer goods to buy might lead to a hyper inflation.Furthermore by repeating the use of QE is very possible to lead to a liquidity trap, unless the economy finds ways to stimulate production. Last but not least the FED’s decision to inject cash into the economy by purchasing MBS is questionable; Mortgage backed securities entail the risk of defaulting once again as they did in the real estate crisis and that would cost the Americans a lot more money repeating the history that started back in the September of 2001. To sum up the use of QE is indeed very effective but only in the short run.Short periods of economic recession can be avoided by stimulating the economy temporarily through cash injections but to maintain growth on the real economy we need to improve labor market conditions, productivity, innovation and bolster the economy’s confidence. So a combi nation of fiscal and monetary policy is the only way to prevent an economy from collapsing, and also is this is the only way to avoid a possible systemic risk that will negatively affect all the institutions and individuals. . How is a loose Fed monetary policy in the US affecting fundamentals (such as inflation, asset and commodity prices) in other countries? What does that imply about global monetary policy? Since the dollar is the vehicle currency in the global economy almost every country is tied to its value and everyone is affected by the monetary decisions of the FED. By the QE, the supply of dollars is increased and consequently the dollar depreciates against foreign currencies.This means that America’s exports will increase and on the contrary the imports will decrease. So countries trading with the US fear about the capital inflows and the possible inflation on commodities. On the other hand the FED support that there can be no further inflation since the global eco nomy is in recession. Moreover countries experiencing huge capital inflows resulting in inflation can implement fiscal policy, such as imposing taxes, in order to contain the effects of foreign capital inflows which push up local stock prices and the currency itself.Every country should focus on its own monetary policy adjusting it to the problems that may experience. For example the US chose to inject more money in the economy. The results of such a decision are low interest rates, more exports but always with the risk of inflation. On the other hand a country experiencing high inflation might limit the money supply, increasing the interest rates with the risk of experiencing a decline in exports.
Monday, September 16, 2019
History of Garde Manager
The History of Garde Mange Aaron avers The garde manger profession began with peoples need to preserve food. The practice of food preservation is very much older than the term garde manger. In medieval times, castles and large homes were equipped with underground larders, or cold food storage rooms. The food storage areas in these castles and manor houses were usually located in the lower levels, since the cool basement-like environment was ideal for storing food. These cold storage areas developed over time into the modern cold kitchen. In France, the larder was called the garde manger.So one meaning of the culinary term garde manger can be a person in charge of cold foods preparation and preservation. Today, in the industry, I have been taught that the garde manger is now referred to as the â€Å"pantry chef. †Garde manger is also known as the place in which cold foods are prepared and stored, and the person or chef of cold foods preparation. Garerde Manger was being used l ong before it was a commonly used term. Perishable foods like meat and fish were dried in the sun or packed with salt to preserve them. The first dependable method of preserving foods was actually drying. Also you can read about History of the Culinary Arts.Smoking foods was derived from placing the meat on poles over a smoky fire to prevent insects and other animals from feeding while it was curing. Farming families began using spices along with the salt, and discovered that tough meats can be tenderized. In the Middle Ages and in the early renaissance, foods that were prepared for the upper classes were overly complicated and heavily spiced. La Varenne, a French chef with Italian influences, went against medieval tradition,  and stressed the importance of natural flavors and lighter sauce.Salads and vinaigrettes took the place of heavier cooked foods and became the standard side to roasted meats. It was at this point that the role of garde manger expanded from food preserva tion to the actual preparation of all cold foods consumption, moving them out of the basement and into the kitchen. By the end of the twentieth century the prepackaging of our industry has allowed some great advances in garde manger. Garde manger, â€Å"keeper of the food†, or pantry supervisor, refers to the task of preparing and presenting cold foods.These typically include such food items as salads, hors d'? uvres, cold soups, aspics, and charcuterie. Larger restaurants and hotels may have the need for the garde manger to perform additional duties, such as creating elements for buffet presentation like edible centerpieces made from materials such as ice, cheese, butter, salt dough or tallow. In most modern kitchens the garde manger is synonymous with pantry chef, having duties focusing on salads, soups, cold food items, and dessert plating’s. It is usually the entry level line cook position within a restaurant.The term â€Å"garde manger†originated in pre-Re volutionary France. At that time, maintaining a full supply of food was a symbol of power, wealth and prestige. Noble families had a household steward who would manage their cold store room. The steward was referred to as the â€Å"officer de bouche†, a title that was eventually replaced with â€Å"garde manger†. This position was extremely important, because most of the food was butchered, pickled, salted, cured, or smoked during the fall season and stored for months, all the way into the spring months.It is because of this duty of supervising the preserving of food and managing its use that many interpret the term â€Å"garde manger†as â€Å"keeping to eat†. The position of â€Å"butcher†first developed as a specialty within the garde manger kitchen. As both the cost of and demand for animals for food increased, more space was required for the fabricating and portioning the raw proteins. This need for space was due not only to an upswing in the number of protein sales, but also to the need for separating raw proteins from processed foods to avoid cross-contamination and the resulting possibility of food borne illness.Special â€Å"butcher shops†were created where portion sizes, product deployment, and temperature could be highly controlled. Today butcher shops exist both as standalone establishments and alongside kitchens in large hotels, country clubs and high volume restaurants. Modern garde manger can refer to different things in the professional kitchen. In many restaurants it is a station which is generally an entry level cooking position within the restaurant, as it involves preparing salads or other smaller plates which can be cooked and plated without significant experience.In other high-profile classically influenced restaurants and hotels, the position pertains to the classical preparations. Today Garde Manger is referred to as â€Å"The Art of the Cold Kitchen†. Some may even say it is the arts a nd crafts of the culinary industry. Today's Garde Mangers must behold more than simple food preservation skills. They must have the knowledge and skills to create everything as small as a batch of mayonnaise to something as large and elaborate as ice carving. Some food establishments use the word pantry instead of Garde Manager.Some may even refer to it as the salad station†¦ the list goes on and on. In the restaurant scene the Garde Manger's job is typically plating salads and preparing cold appetizers. In some situations it may even be their job to plate desserts. Some find the experience of working in the Garde Manger extremely challenging and stimulating that they often decide to make it their life long career. The skills needed for the Garde Manger are so extreme that it is often the walkway that leads some to the path of being a great chef, possibly even a famous chef.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Information Flow in an Organization Essay
Depending upon the organization information is used and disseminated accordingly. Information flow plays a very important role, and is a critical component among businesses who seek to be more successful than their competition. Companies cannot operate without a proper and concise information flow which is accessible through the company’s different departments. The IT department and information systems are mainly responsible for providing ways for the various departments within the company to have access to applications and systems that assist employees in accomplishing their jobs with more ease. Businesses today rely heavily on information technology, and software applications to assist the different departments through helping them complete their daily tasks and functions in a faster and better manner. Software applications help the information systems run in a way that allow employees to perform more tasks in less time and help everything run smoothly together similar. As I examine my current employer I can see how important information flow is to the success of our company. Information is used to work together with every department; however it is easy to point out how it flows by examining each department such as Sales, Engineering, Programming and Production. As orders are placed, our sales department is the first step in information flow in my organization. Customers have specific requirements for each machine they purchase which generally always differ from previous versions we have made. Once the sales orders and specifications are in order they are sent from the sales department to our Engineering department to be designed. There are several different draftsmen and each has their own area of expertise. The Production Manager assigns the frames and machines to be designed to the draftsmen based on the specifications given by the customer. Also, while in Engineering, the machines are given job numbers that will follow them throughout the shop so that it may be tracked as well as allow employees to clock into the proper job. Having a specific job number tied to a specific machine also allows management to review every individual that has worked on these machines at any time. After the machines have designed and approved they are then sent to the programming department. The programming department is responsible for tearing the machines apart in a CAD system known as SolidWorks and separating the frame from the sheet metal. After this has been completed the next step is to individually program each piece of tubing in the frame and apply the proper programming required for optimum cutting time on the laser. The next thing that is programmed is all the sheet metal parts. In order to program sheet metal, the part which is drawn in solidworks, must be saved and transformed into a DXF file. These files are put into a software called SigmaNest and programmed fairly easy. Once all elements of the machine has been programmed, the programming department takes the programs, the job related to the machine, the machine drawings and specifications, and the sales order and hands it off to the Floor Manager for Production. After the Floor manager has all this information, he decides which machines to cut and in what order to cut them in based on shipping dates. He then takes the machine programs, jobs, and drawing and pass them out to the proper departments which will work on cutting, assembling, painting, and testing each one of our machines before they are sealed and shipped off to any of our customers throughout the world. Information flow is essential in any business in maintain functionality as well as productivity. Without some sort of order, without some sort of standard operating procedures our company could not be one of the leading manufacturer of agricultural machinery in the world.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Reflecting on Wisdom Essay
This assignment was a hard one for me, due to not really having a family, a religious background, or someone that I could talk to as I was growing up. It says in our text book that wisdom and knowledge is based on practical intelligence and has good judgment due to life lessons and hardship. So that got me thinking about the many people that cross my path everyday due to my job. I am a C.N.A and take care of the elderly. Even though I cannot just pick one elderly person because I think they all possess wisdom and knowledge. Most grew up as farmers and worked in the fields alongside their family to either put food on their table or for a few dollars a week. They have seen the good and bad days that weather can do to crops and the animals that they also raised for food. Others can tell you about when they were in wars and how that was as a soldier back in those days, then you have the ones that were fortunate to travel to different counties just for fun, like my client Mr. Emery he has been to Greece, Spain, and Italy, what was nice is he has pictures of all these places so as he is telling you about it you can take a look at the pictures that he has taken. I think all of our elderly are full of wisdom and knowledge because of the things they have seen over their years. If you just sit down to listen to them you will take something away from it. Most elderly will love to tell you their story if you ask them. As for myself I can say that I have a little bit of wisdom due to life circumstances, but I think I posses more of the transcendence virtue, I have learned to slow down and appreciate beauty whether it is a flower or a sunset, I also posses gratitude, I am more thankful for the good things that happen. I also posses perspective as my children say because I have always been able to give them good advice when it is needed, which means I also have an open mindedness because you would be amazed at some of the questions teens can come up with. My strengths that I need to develop more fully is all the rest of human virtues, in the courage category I need to develop bravery, and zest. I am not one for doing new things so when challenges, and difficulties come my way I do not know how to handle it and I would like to get to where I can approach life with excitement and energy. In the humanities category I need to develop all three strengths. I at one time did posses all these strengths but over time and life lessons, I have seemed to have lost them. I am not as kind as I use to be, I definitely do not posses love except for my children, other than that I have little to no heart, and as social intelligence I do not care about other people’s feelings, its either you like me or you don’t. In the temperance category, I need to learn forgiveness, I believe if I can master this one the rest of the human virtues will fall back in place, this one has been a weakness for me for years now, I not only need to forgive myself for things done wrong but also to people that have done me wrong. My motto use to be â€Å"Everything done wrong to me would just make me stronger.†, but instead it has turned me into a person that I do not like, I am no longer the fun, kind loving person that I use to be and that everyone wanted to be around. I have became a loner that is bitter, and heartless. My life consists of going to work doing my job and coming home to my children with little interaction with the outside world.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Green Tourism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words
Green Tourism - Coursework Example This research aims to identify best environmental practice in the area of tourism in the UK. It is hypothesised that green tourism, which has gained wide acceptance, benefits the organisation or business and the entire community that is taking advantage of a natural environment. Green tourism also promotes protection and preservation of the environment. True. But whilst we may promote tourism, profits in mind, let us not forget our environment. Governments and organisations, and every human being on this planet earth, have to do something good to the world and the environment in the midst of business and profits. With the sudden and so much advancement in technology, added with a fast-growing population, mother earth has truly suffered. Global warming is a big threat to humanity. Because of toxic pollution and environmental pollutants left behind by businesses which have no regard for the world, there is far great damage done to the environment and man. Tourism involves people, transient people, taking advantage of nature or the environment, and if they are not truly guided and informed of simple rules about proper use of the environment and nature, there will be destruction on the original creations of nature. Tourists, local or foreign, should be guided and allowed to admire nature and the environment properly, in the same way we deal with our business establishments and other structures, man-made and natural. There should be a way to handle them properly, and also a way to reciprocate this goodness of tourists from the establishments that the tourists or citizens are passing through. That is the aim of green tourism. We will conduct our research about environmental best practice on business establishments in England and Scotland and other parts of the UK. We will investigate green companies that bring the values of environmental sustainability into their everyday practices. This research will involve distribution of questionnaires and telephone interviews to determine the measures they are taking to preserve and protect the environment, and help attain sustainable development. We will also be surfing the web for websites of businesses and organisations with best environmental practices. In the course of our research, we will also feature case studies of organisations in their best environmental practice. We will highlight these case studies in and around England and Scotland to demonstrate our hypotheses. Research Objectives: Our research objectives / questions are: a. What best environmental measures are being practiced by green companies in the UK b. How can these practices be enhanced or improved c. What are the good practices of green tourism d. How is green tourism related to sustainable development e. How does green tourism help improve business Chapter 1 1.1 Background Businesses and organisations have programmes focused on best practice. In tourism, businesses are encouraged to joining organisations with green tourism themes and sustainable devel
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Music for the Stage (Wagner-Die Walkre) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Music for the Stage (Wagner-Die Walkre) - Essay Example Every author who have studied this work have noticed the rpesence of a number of leitmotifs which are short, melodious and harmonic in general through which the work gains its expressiveness and dramatic form. (Richard Wagner website, Though Wagner had never used the word leitmotif, his critics had been somewhat paranoid in attributing a number of leitmotifs distributed in the entire stretch of this work. Wagner had called them ‘melodic moments’ and described them as created â€Å" by the orchestra into a kind of guides-to-feeling through the whole labyrinthine building of the drama†(Richard Wagner website, He (Richard Wagner website, also has added that, â€Å"at their(melodious moments) hand, we become the fellow-knowers of the proufoundest secret of the poet’s aim, the immediate partners of its realisement.†Apart from â₠¬Å"communicating the emotional nuances†, leitmotifs in Die Walkure are also perceived by critics as â€Å"the building blocks of a symphonic composition†(Richard Wagner website,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
A Parole Evidence Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Parole Evidence Rule - Essay Example Extra information could be created to gain an advantage by one party over the other whether written or oral. It is not professionally advisable to allow parol evidence in the case as evidence (Cheeseman, 2009). Although parol evidence should not be made accessible to the jury, it should be given some consideration.Contracts at times tend to miss situations, which arise later in business and often people make agreements not expressed in the contract. Thus, exceptions already made for the parole evidence should be revised on wider and broader situations. In direct reference to the text, it is important to understand the different meaning evidence would be interpreted into depending on the context. The contexts of words have varied meaning depending on the circumstances under which they are used (Cheeseman, 2009). This would be better. Giving the parole evidence some sort of strength during a contract dispute hearing makes much sense than allowing the jury to see the evidence. Since it was meant not to be seen by the jury and that part should remain as it is (Cheeseman, 2009). It will give the jury a broader perspective of what the situation really is and instead of being sternly directed by an agreement that might have been written ages ago; the jury can make a judgment while relating to the current situation (Cheeseman, 2009). It will be difficult to make decisions as people would come up with words often made up and not part of the conversation between the two parties to use in court. The jury not well versed in the law might actually believe what they are told as they act more on emotions that reality
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Movie From Earth To Moon And Back Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Movie From Earth To Moon And Back - Essay Example If someone is looking for a big entertainment in the classical style, Georges Mà ©lià ¨s 1902 science fiction film, â€Å"A Trip to the Moon†is certainly the most appropriate option. The movie is based on a group of astronauts who went on the moon. The clip of movie is available online at Youtube the link to which is mentioned at the end. It starts with the scene of a hall filled with several astronauts wearing wizard-like gowns and long pointed hats. Their leader shows them how they can make a trip to the moon by drawing a picture on the blackboard which shows a shuttle moving toward the moon from the earth. The idea gains appreciation and they immediately put on their astronauts’ uniform. They fill in the shuttle and a group of young and beautiful lasses closes the shuttle, and the shuttle is thrown into space with a power gun. The moon shows a man’s face who seems angry to see the approaching shuttle, and to his dismay, the shuttle hits him in the eye. Astronauts come out of the shuttle. Tired after a long journey, they cover themselves with their gowns and sleep at a calm place on the moon. The movie shows human faced-stars and planets watch the group of sleeping astronauts and wonder. The queen of the moon appears sitting on a crescent and she calls for the snowfall. The snowfall wakes the astronauts up who seek refuge in a cave. The cave grows a lot of mushrooms. One of the astronauts stands his umbrella on the moon floor and to his wonder, the umbrella grows into a big mushroom. Then the story gains an action theme. A moon alien appears from somewhere and tries to scare away the astronauts who beat him dead. He vanishes into the air like smoke. After that, more and more moon-aliens emerge and attack the astronauts. They overpower the astronauts and take them to the king alien. The rest of the astronauts run their way back to the shuttle, while a lot of moon-aliens chase them holding arrows to kill them.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4
Human Resource Management - Essay Example Many companies do not have enough resources to invest in the recruitment process. As a matter of fact, for a company to attract the most suitable candidates they need to advertise as much as possible and the most cost effective and efficient way is that of web based recruitment. It is very important to communicate properly and have well written descriptions. To attract the potential candidates it is significant to have a well written description of the position which is neither too long nor too short. It should properly communicate all the important information. Introduction A process of attracting the most suitable candidates and making them apply for that particular job in a company or organization is known as recruitment. It is a process and a way to hire the right type of candidates for the right job. Recruitment is becoming a very critical and significant component of the human resource structure (Alvesson, 2010). It is highly significant to hire people who have more qualities a nd are more talented. For this a very fine and properly tuned up recruitment process is required. This is to ensure that the hired people are the most talented ones and are the best fit for the job. In order to measure the effectiveness of the recruitment process the organization needs to give importance to the feedback from internal customers, its employees and from the external customers. There are several methods of recruitment process. The two broad headings for the recruitment method are that of internal recruitment and external recruitment (Becker, 2007). Job advertisement, recruitment and employment agencies, internal bulletins and the recommendations personally, job centers of government and the new social media are the few most commonly used methods for recruitment. Job advertisement is the most widely used recruitment method. In this method the organization critically and carefully sought out the places it needs to advertise in. A typical job advertisement includes all the important information like job title, the location, description, compensation package and instructions to apply for the job (Thompson & Luthans, 1990). Organizations at times use the agencies like recruitment agencies and employment agencies to attract the most suitable candidates and hire them. The agencies help the organization in the screening of the resumes in the initial phase, the assessment of qualifications and their test, and also the reference checks. Personal recommendations and internal bulletin is also a method of recruitment (Sheridan, 2002). This is done by the organizations to alert the staff for the available positions. The organizations use this method to put up an incentive for the ones who are in search of advancement and also to seek the employee referrals. This method can be an effective one as the employees are already associated with the company and helps in saving the time and money of the company. Another method is job centers of government that usually ad vertise the job for the development of employees in an effort to serve the citizens in search of employment. The new and the latest way of recruitment is that of social media. This is the fastest and the most fruitful resource for recruitment these days. It helps the professionals connect all round the globe. This method is very efficient in attracting the maximum number of candidates in the shortest possible time (Wanous
Final exam (take home) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Final exam (take home) - Essay Example be allowed to bring about the absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on practical, speculative theoretical scientist or moral subjects (Bennet, 2008). The freedom of expression is indispensable in attempting to drive different viewpoints to their logical conclusions as opposed limiting them because of the social embarrassment they may cause. This argument is inspired in part by the fact that in the attempt to save face, certain comments or opinion that are considered to be in bad taste tend to be discouraged without being objectify considered. Nevertheless, despite the bold claims, he proposes that there should be some rules to govern the action of politicians, which he refers to as the harm principle (Bennet, 2008). On the face value, one may imagine that Mill is agitating for people to have leave to use their opinions to cause others harm perhaps by inciting them to violence. While the argument has merit in that supports the freedom of expression, his insistence that all opinions should be tolerable lacks moral ground given that some of the opinions can cause harm even if they are not carried out. For example, if someone voices an opinion that Jews deserved to be victimized in the Holocaust through print media or in a paper, which Mills would consider acceptable, it would probably have a negative psychological effect on survivors or their families. Clearly, although the contention for freedom of speech is well intended, if pursued to its logical conclusion, it would be very misleading. Ultimately, those who defend the right to Mills version of freedom of speech often find it difficult to support their position when it is proved that this freedom even in the abstract can harm others. However, he makes a very valid point in stating that dissenting voices should never be silenced since as history has proven in many occasions, the fact that an opinion is held by many people does not necessarily make it correct. By emphasizing that all opinions should be
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Analyze the Oregon Health Plan- see directives below Essay
Analyze the Oregon Health Plan- see directives below - Essay Example ic and private-partnership for ensuring access to health care for all Oregonians covering Medicaid reforms, insurance for small businesses, and high risk medical insurance. During the late 1980s, millions of Americans did not qualify for public assistance or Medicaid, uninsured by their employers, and could not afford medical coverage (Department of Human Services, 2006, p. 1).Thus, â€Å"instead of seeking early preventive care, the uninsured sought emergency care when their illnesses became severe†(Department of Human Services, 2006, p. 1). The â€Å"free†emergency treatment that the uninsured receive, however, was not genuinely costless because costs are merely passed on thereby increasing the cost of insurance premiums of those who can afford the premiums (Department of Human Services, 2006, p. 1). In 1987, Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt created a workgroup of health care providers, businesses, labor, insurers, and lawmakers to address three fundamental questions on the Oregon Health Plan: who is covered, what is covered, and how it is financed (Department of Human Services, 2006, p. 1). The workgroup agreed that all citizens should have full access to basic levels of care and that society is responsible for caring poor people (Department of Human Services, 2006, p. 2). The workgroup also agreed on providing a basic health care package for low income groups as well as health insurance reforms to make it more available and affordable (Department of Human Services, 2006, p. 2). The Oregon Health Plan sought to lower costs by reducing cost pass-on, emphasizing early intervention and primary care, and not covering ineffective care (Department of Human Services, 2006, p. 3). From 1987 to 1993, several legislative reforms were undertaken until â€Å"Medicaid was expanded to inclu de Oregonians under 100% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL), providing a Basic health care benefit package via the Prioritized List†(Department of Human Services, 2006, pp. 3-5). Reforms were
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Marketing communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Marketing communications - Essay Example Furthermore, the report discovered that in 2011, most teens preferred the Blackberry gadget but a majority of adults used and preferred Apple’s products. Amazingly, the same teens who said their preferences lied in the Blackberry had problem being separated from Apple’s products. This is one of the problems the report analyses and intends to address. It will be reported that it is factual in stating that the Blackberry that the aforementioned group loved; on the contrary, there lacked provision of information and promotion of Apple’s product thus making this report a necessity. With the tremendous invention of the Smartphones and the subsequent tight competition, companies dealing with these gadgets are encountering a myriad of challenges. Mostly, the challenges are arising from the strategies with some competitors choosing and applying various tactics in trying to remain afloat in the market. This report was requested by a successful company, - Apple Inc. to be precise- with an aim to provide solutions concerning the Integrated marketing communications strategies. Contained herein are statistics on the usage of Smartphones in some countries as other strategies that Apple Inc. could employ in order to meet its goals. The findings of the UK’s smartphones market have been a result of extensive research conducted and gained from some of the most reliable sites. Integrated marketing communication (IMC) has been defined in various ways but in all these variations, all agree that it involves the strategies developed in ensuring a product is sold in markets. Normally, a company will create these with a sole aim of ensuring that products sales have been boosted and various methods may be used. Some of these methods include public relations, advertising, promotions and in with the current invention, the social media. Different individual son the effectiveness of these strategies
Friday, September 6, 2019
Jones Blair Case Study Essay Example for Free
Jones Blair Case Study Essay Jones †¢ Blair is a company that produces and sells architectural paint it also sell paint sundries which include paintbrushes and rollers. It caters to over 50 countries which are divided into two sectors the DFW area and the non-DFW area. Of the two the DFW area has been proven to be the most successful area for the company. In 1999 the company made 80 million in sales and 60% of this was contributed by the DFW area. There are two segments within the company’s main sales attributes and these are between the do it yourself market and the professional market. With regards to the professional market in the DFW area this accounted for 70% of sales In the non-DFW area 70% of sales were made through the do-it-yourself market. During a meeting the company discussed the problem of where and how to carry out marketing efforts. They were left with four options: 1) Cut the price by 20%. 2) Hire one additional sales rep. 3) Spend additional $350,000 on advertising. 4) Stay the same. A detailed look into each option. 1) Cut the price by 20%. The shopper research programme indicated that dealers will back off the brand when the customer appears price sensitive. By cutting the price by 20% this will allow the company to be on par with national brands. The current contribution margin for the company is 35% if the price was to be cut by 20% then the new contribution margin would be reduced to: 35% 20% = 15% with the current sale volume being $12 million and a price cut of 20% the sales would have to increase significantly for the price cut to be effective. According to Barrett â€Å"we are now the highest price paint in our service area†the fact that the company still has increasing sales despite being the highest cost brand of all the competitors this shows that the company is being perceived as giving high quality goods where people don’t mind about paying extra for their brand. If the company was to cut the price by 20% this may leave doubts in peoples minds about whether or not the brand is actually as high quality as they had thought. The fact that they can get away with charging a higher price for their brand they should stick with it. 2) Hire one additional sales rep. Currently the company has 8 sales reps which are responsible for the following tasks: Monitoring inventories. Taking orders. Assisting in store display. Coordinating cooperative advertising programmes. A survey indicated that the sales reps were very well liked, helpful, professional and knowledgeable with regards to paint. These reps are paid a salary and also a 1% commission. The cost of hiring an additional sales rep would be $60,000 a year, this is excluding commission. The vice president feels that the current sales reps aren’t aggressive enough and the fact that only 5 new accounts were made in the last 5 years something needs to be done. Only 16% of the accounts come from the non-DFW area so maybe a focus needs to be placed onto this area. If this was to be done, an additional sales rep be assigned to the non-DFW area this could lead to a significant increase in sales. 3) Spend additional $350,000 on advertising. The vice president of advertising believes that there is a need for an awareness level of 30% among do-it-yourselfers to affect their sales. An emphasis on television coverage will reach non-DFW consumers in 15 countries. Research shows that ads affect the buying process Since most consumers consider the store before the actual brand maybe the advertising should be focused more-so on corporate ads rather than brand ads. The company spends 3% of its net sales on advertising therefore the current cost of advertising is: 3% of 12 million = 360000 with an additional spend of $350000 on advertising the total cost of advertising would be: 360000+ 350000= $710,000. This would almost double the cost of advertising and since there’s an emphasis on television this could prove to be a risky option, especially since brand awareness isn’t the main attribution to buyer behaviour. Another factor to consider is the fact that 75% of the audience of the advert arent buying paint. 4) Stay the same. The final option for the company would be to keep everything the same which is advised by the vice president of finance. Since the company is continuing to make profit he feels that if you were to take the other options that there would have to be a significant increase in the sales volume which may not be a result. Although most of the options offer different benefits and of course different drawbacks we dont think there is an outright option to choose. With regards to the cut in price of 20% we dont believe this option should be chosen. The fact that the company is allowed to charge the higher price and is perceived as being a high quality brand why should they risk losing all of this by accepting the price cut. The next option with regards to hiring an additional sales rep we feel that the fact that they have 8 sales reps already would the addition of another really make a significant impact on sales. Rather than focusing on hiring a new one we believe that if they focused more-so and possibly retraining their current sales reps this could prove to be more effective. The fact that the sales reps are already considered highly by the customers is a bonus. If more effort was put into them and how they could improve efficiency then this could be worthwhile to the company. The company could divide up the sales reps into the necessary markets and possibly by offering them incentives this could increase their performance. By hiring an additional sales rep doesnt necessarily promise a change in sales. With regards to an increase of advertising spending of $350,000 we wouldnt recommend this option. As the company wants to put an emphasis on television and the fact that 75% of the audience dont buy paint, the 25% of the audience that do doesnt seem like a big enough market coverage to invest such a lot of money into. Instead we feel they should look into other marketing options. The fact that with regards to buyer behaviour that customers choose the store first before the brand maybe the company should look into advertising within the actual stores. They could look into what stores are proven to be more popular and focus advertising attention on these. With the last option as staying the same although the company is continuing to make profits we feel like this could be the easy option. Rather than just being content with what is currently happening with the business they should focus on improving the business. The fact is that more and more competitors may enter the market or even people may change their buying behaviour but ultimately the company should try and always be a brand considered.
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