Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Writing An Essay On Both Sides
Writing An Essay On Both SidesTwo sided essay topics are great when it comes to writing your essay. There are lots of different types of two sided essay topics that you can use, but there are some that may be better for you than others. You need to find out which ones are the best ones for you, and if possible, try to find a free sample two sided essay topic from somewhere.Before I say more about this, I want to stress that you need to use your own information. I do not know what the requirements are for writing on both sides, but if you do not use your own information, then you will have a hard time trying to write something for both sides. If you try this, you may be looking at a time that is taken away from other areas of your life. That is just a fact of life.When you are trying to write an essay on two sided topics, it will help if you write on one side first. Then go back and continue on the other side. This will make it easier for you to write the other part of the essay.Two s ided essay topics will help you find out what kind of information you need to bring to the table. You will also be able to write more smoothly. It is also great because it allows you to do two things at once. This will help to keep you from becoming bored when you read or think about the material you are writing.The first place you should look to find these samples are online. The best places to look to get some free sample topics are the newsgroups on the internet. You should find many different places where you can get free sample topics.You may want to consider looking at them and seeing if you want to change the original topic or if you want to stay with the original topic. You will be amazed at how easy it is to do this. You will find that you can quickly get a new idea for the essay and then begin to write it from there.Do not feel like you are being restricted to a very little and informative one. Some topics will not require this, but there are plenty of good ones out there. It will not take a long time to get more ideas and material for your essay.If you are trying to find essay topics for two sides, try to find some samples two sided essay topics that you can use. Also, try to get some free samples and then begin to work from there. By keeping that in mind, you will find the best ones for you.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Battered Womens Syndrome A Survey Of Contemporary Theories Essays
Battered Women's Syndrome: A Survey of Contemporary Theories Domestic Violence In 1991, Governor William Weld modified parole regulations and permitted women to seek commutation if they could present evidence indicating they suffered from battered women's syndrome. A short while later, the Governor, citing spousal abuse as his impetus, released seven women convicted of killing their husbands, and the Great and General Court of Massachusetts enacted Mass. Gen. L. ch. 233, 23E (1993), which permits the introduction of evidence of abuse in criminal trials. These decisive acts brought the issue of domestic abuse to the public's attention and left many Massachusetts residents, lawyers and judges struggling to define battered women's syndrome. In order to help these individuals define battered women's syndrome, the origins and development of the three primary theories of the syndrome and recommended treatments are outlined below. I. The Classical Theory of Battered Women's Syndrome and its Origins The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), known in the mental health field as the clinician's bible, does not recognize battered women's syndrome as a distinct mental disorder. In fact, Dr. Lenore Walker, the architect of the classical battered women's syndrome theory, notes the syndrome is not an illness, but a theory that draws upon the principles of learned helplessness to explain why some women are unable to leave their abusers. Therefore, the classical battered women's syndrome theory is best regarded as an offshoot of the theory of learned helplessness and not a mental illness that afflicts abused women. The theory of learned helplessness sought to account for the passive behavior subjects exhibited when placed in an uncontrollable environment. In the late 60's and early 70's, Martin Seligman, a famous researcher in the field of psychology, conducted a series of experiments in which dogs were placed in one of two types of cages. In the former cage, henceforth referred to as the shock cage, a bell would sound and the experimenters would electrify the entire floor seconds later, shocking the dog regardless of location. The latter cage, however, although similar in every other respect to the shock cage, contained a small area where the experimenters could administer no shock. Seligman observed that while the dogs in the latter cage learned to run to the nonelectrified area after a series of shocks, the dogs in the shock cage gave up trying to escape, even when placed in the latter cage and shown that escape was possible. Seligman theorized that the dogs' initial experience in the uncont rollable shock cage led them to believe that they could not control future events and was responsible for the observed disruptions in behavior and learning. Thus, according to the theory of learned helplessness, a subject placed in an uncontrollable environment will become passive and accept painful stimuli, even though escape is possible and apparent. In the late 1970's, Dr. Walker drew upon Seligman's research and incorporated it into her own theory, the battered women's syndrome, in an attempt to explain why battered women remain with their abusers. According to Dr. Walker, battered women's syndrome contains two distinct elements: a cycle of violence and symptoms of learned helplessness. The cycle of violence is composed of three phases: the tension building phase, active battering phase and calm loving respite phase. During the tension building phase, the victim is subjected to verbal abuse and minor battering incidents, such as slaps, pinches and psychological abuse. In this phase, the woman tries to pacify her batterer by using techniques that have worked previously. Typically, the woman showers her abuser with kindness or attempts to avoid him. However, the victim's attempts to pacify her batter are often fruitless and only work to delay the inevitable acute battering incident. The tension building phase ends and the active battering phase begins when the verbal abuse and minor battering evolve into an acute battering incident. A release of the tensions built during phase one characterizes the active battering phase, which usually last for a period of two to twenty-four hours. The violence during this phase is unpredictable and inevitable, and statistics indicate that the risk of the batterer murdering his victim is at its greatest. The batterer places his victim in a constant state of fear, and she is unable to control
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